Is it because I’s a Quack?

There are many things in this world that I really, seriously dislike. I don’t like racists. I don’t like bullies – and naturally it follows that I really don’t like racist bullies. But more so even that racists and bullies I really, really dislike people who try to […]

What can Chirokinetic Therapy treat?

If you’re guessing that the correct answer to the title question is ‘nothing’ then congratulations, you have the correct answer but please permit me to elaborate a little further. At the beginning of May I wrote about David Stevens, a Leatherhead-based quack who trades under the names Vital […]

Cranmer vs ASA – How very dare you!

As a general rule of thumb anything that winds up Cranmer is usually a good thing so it’s with some amusement that I have report that 24 people including a ‘Jewish Gay and Lesbian group’ have reported his blog to the Advertising Standards Authority over an advert he […]

Homeopathy: The Endgame Cometh?

There has been a rather interesting announcment from the Advertising Standards Authority: Since 1 March we’ve received a large number of complaints about claims on homeopathy websites, mostly about claims for the efficacy of homeopathy in diagnosing, treating or helping certain health or medical conditions (e.g. arthritis). The […]