The Dodgy Porn Statistic That Took Over The World

As a quick trailer, I’m currently working on an article which looks in detail at a ‘fact and figures‘ page published by Gail Dines on her ‘Stop Porn Culture’ website in which, amongst other things, she cites a number of ‘statistics’ sourced from Jerry Ropelato’s ‘Internet Filter Review’ […]

‘Typhoid Fiona’ and Sex-Selective Abortion

So, there I was looking through the public bills section of the Parliament website for the new Lords’ amendments to the defamation bill when what should I notice but a new bill, introduced less than a week ago, calling itself the Abortion Statistics Bill. Hmm… A quick search […]

Why are there discrepancies in the DoH abortion data?

Apropos of yesterday’s lengthy article on the anti-abortion lobby’s sham ‘inquiry’ on abortion and disability, we know have a transcript of a second oral evidence session to play with and of the witnesses called one name leapt immediately off the page, that of a Daily Mail journalist, Beezy […]

‘ATOS Kills’ revisited

I’ve had a couple of comments  on yesterday’s article about the slogan ‘ATOS kills‘ which rather serve to illustrate the problems you invariable run into when you try to inject  a bit of evidence and reason into a narrative based largely, if not entirely, on anecdotes and emotive […]

ATOS Kills… or does it?

I suspect I’m going to make myself rather unpopular in some quarters with this, but I’m afraid that may commitment to good science trumps any political opinions I might have every time, so in for a penny, in for a pound. Political Scrapbook is running yet another ‘man/woman […]

NHS Does Not spend £1M a week on ‘repeat abortions’

From the file marked ‘Why journalists shouldn’t do statistics’ we have a new front page entry from the Daily Mail. As per standard Ministry policy, I’m not going to link to the Mail’s article but I will quote from it as I tear it into little tiny kibbles […]