NOTW Was Responsible for ‘Deleted’ Dowler Voice Mails

The big story from yesterday’s proceedings at the Leveson Inquiry came from outside the actual hearing in the form of an announcement that, following its own inquiries. the Metropolitan Police do no believe that NOTW journalists actually deleted voice mails from Milly Dowler’s mobile phone. This was quickly […]

Dear PCC… We’re NOT fucking stupid!

I feel a bit of a rant coming on and I should warn you in advance – if the title isn’t already a dead give away – that it may get a bit sweary in places, although I will try to hold it together for the sake of […]

If bullsht were music…

Nadin Dorries’ latest ravings have already prompted one or two WTF? comments in the Twittersphere: If the image is a little on the small side for some readers, the text of Dorries’ missive, which was posted at 16:29 on 11 July 2011, runs as follows: Damian McBride and […]

Press Regulation and the impending death of the PCC

If you’re looking for a good argument for greater regulation of the British press then perhaps the best one around at the moment is the unedifying sight of Britain’s national newspapers collectively shitting themselves at the mere thought that someone, somewhere, might actually come up with a regulatory […]