Teenage Pregnancy, STI Infections and Emergency Contraception

It’s been about six weeks since I last slapped Dr Peter Saunders around – metaphorically speaking, of course – but as he’s decided to give me an early Christmas present with a typically misconceived article on teenage pregnancy, STIs and emergency contraception who am I to decline an […]

Did marriage equality scare off Spain’s heterosexuals?

I am unashamedly a fan of the work of fact checking organisations and websites, not least amongst which is the excellent Full Fact. However, as a stats hound myself, I am also very much aware of the limitations and occasional pitfalls of the standard fact check model used […]

Still a bigot after all these years, eh, Sayeeda?

I think it fair to say that one definite effect that government’s proposals for equal marriage have had, thus far, is that of flushing out a sizeable collection of unreconstructed Tory bigots, each of whom is ripe for ridicule. Yes, folk, we’re genuinely spoiled for choice at the […]

Making sense of Cameron’s ‘Quadruple Lock’ on Equal Marriage

Opponents of equal marriage are, it seems, not alone in their inability to make sense of the government’s equal marriage proposals or the rationale behind the proposed ‘quadruple lock’, which is intend to ensure that religious denominations that remain opposed to same-sex marriage on theological grounds cannot be […]

Same-sex marriage and the Parliament Acts

As I’ve mentioned on previous occasions, I don’t expect MPs to demonstrate a command of the full ins and outs of every single piece of legislation on the statute books but, when it comes to those precious few piece of legislation that make up the written portion of […]

Capita still peddling pseudoscience to local authorities

After last week’s Leveson splurge it’s time to get back to normal business and remind everyone what public interest journalism looks like via an old ‘friend’ of the Ministry that’s popped its head up above the parapet. Benefit cheats to face lie detector tests Council leaders have introduced […]

Tits ‘Out’ at the Tabloids

I know this may sound a bit Ian Hislop, but if there are two things that I don’t watch on television its reality shows and soap operas. That’s not snobbery or being out of touch, so far as I’m concerned, its much more a matter of the value […]

UKIP’s Homophobic Candidate in Croydon

Oh dear, it was all going well for UKIP, what with the furore over the Rotherham fostering issue, but then their election candidate in Croydon North just has to go an open his big mouth and put both feet in to the kneecaps: UKIP’S candidate for the Croydon […]

No More Last Chances on Press Regulation

Is it now time to end the charade of self-regulation and impose independent regulation on the UK press? Yes, of course it is. Such a move is long overdue. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all in favour of press freedom. There can be no question of imposing a […]

Never forget, Nadine Lies.

I’ll keep this one short and sweet. Nadine Dorries. Self-authored, self-serving pile of bullshit at Comment is Free. Same old selective memory. In my seven and a half years as an MP I think it is important to state that I have never taken a single day away […]