Mind your language

I wonder how many people really understand how the NHS works? I ask this because I’ve noticed that over at Non-trivial Solutions, Andrew has managed to get a little too carried away with Tory rhetoric over a BBC story about opposition amongst doctors to proposals to give specially […]

Not that I want anyone to become paranoid, but

If you’re the kind of who worries that that the government are watching you all the time – and I mean all the time – and tend to favour aluminium headgear then you may not want to read this particular piece of research… … especially these conclusions: The […]

The Conscience of the King

He that is proud eats up himself. Pride is his own glass, his own trumpet, his own chronicle; and whatever praises itself but in the deed, devours the deed in the praise. The History of Troilus and Cressida (Agamemnon at II, iii) When defeat is inevitable, it is […]

The Scum Says

Both Lenin’s Tomb and Davblog have picked up this story from the Guardian. This is using my image to push through draconian and utterly unnecessary terrorism legislation. Its incredibly ironic that the Sun’s rhetoric is as the voice of the people yet they don’t actually ask the people […]

Delusions of grandeur

Tim’s already done a first class job of pulling The Sun down a few pegs over it’s ‘phone and tell Tony you love him poll‘ and with him having taken the night off for a well-deserved beer or two, I suppose it falls to me to put the […]