Getting the right man for the job…

I wrote a rather scathing review of the Beeb’s election night coverage last week (and a can I give out big hi to the visitor from the Beeb who was looking it over earlier) since when I’ve been giving a little thought to what might be done to […]

Oh what a tangled web we weave…

Throughout her efforts to introduce greater restrictions on access to abortion services, Nadine Dorries has claimed to be neither part of the ‘pro-life’ or ‘pro-choice’ lobby and that she is not motivated in her efforts by her personal religious beliefs. And, all along, bloggers like myself have had […]

Fur coat and no knickers…

Oh dear, Violet Elizabeth Nadine Dorries is in a bit of a snit at the moment… The press conference yesterday almost became a fiasco. To be perfectly honest, I hadn’t really expected anyone to turn up. So when I walked into a room full of cameras and journalists, […]