Following the [Darian] Leader…

Zarathustra, who’s both an occasional visitor to the comment boxes here at the Ministry and a damn fine blogger in their own right, over at Mental Nurse, currently has a very welcome guest post on the go over at my second online home, Liberal Conspiracy, which relates to […]

Examining the BCA’s ‘plethora’ of evidence

Via Jack of Kent, it seems that the British Chiropractic Association have finally been stung into publishing details of the ‘plethora’ of research evidence that they claim supports the use of Chiropractic manipulation for a variety of condition other than non-specific lower back pain. Jack’s got a copy […]

Who do you think you are kidding, Mr Wainwright…

Someone’s clearly forget to tell the Guardian’s northern editor, Martin Wainwright, that the war’s over… The medical properties of carrots – including the boost they provide to night vision, which led to them being fed to RAF pilots during the second world war – can be enhanced by […]

Exposing the flaws in the DWP’s lie detector trials (1)

It’s been a while, but let’s return to the subject of the DWP’s trial of a so-called ‘voice risk analysis’ system and bring you all up to speed on what’s been happening since my last post on this particular subject. At the beginning of May, this year, I […]

Death by Homoeopathy

It’s been too long, I know, but I promise that I’ll be picking things up and posting regularly from this point forward. So let’s get down to business by starting with story that’s particularly dear to my heart, that of Simon Singh’s valient efforts to defend the principle […]

Jelly Dildos Cause Autism

First things, first, apologies for the lack of posting of late, which is due to a number of ongoing real life issues that I can’t discuss for the time being, but which I may be able to clear up in due course. Now, having got that out of […]

Purnell’s Lie Detector – How it actually ‘works’

Okay, its time for the third and final instalment of my investigation into the scientific evidence behind the DWP’s trial of Nemesysco’s ‘Layered Voice Analysis’ technology… …and in this episode I intend to blow the lid on the system complete and explain exactly how this scientifically invalid piece […]

Purnell’s Lie Detector – Indecent Disclosures

In defiance of Denis Healey’s First Law of Holes, Nemesysco have stuck out a lengthy press release in an effort to defend their technology, one which, rather hilariously puts forward this specific criticism of the work of Professors Eriksson and Lacerda: The article’s claims that our technology does […]

Purnell’s Lie Detector – Following the Money

This is an expanded version of an article published at Liberal Conspiracy. The next stage of my detailed coverage of the scientific evidence behind the DWP’s current ‘lie detector’ trial will be along, as promised, in the next 24 hours but, in the meantime, I’ve received a reply […]

Purnell’s Lie Detector – What the Guardian didn’t say.

One thing that those of us who’ve been working on the DWP Trial investigation discovered, only this week, is the we’re not alone in asking hard questions about the DWP’s trial. So, if you’ve read this week’s technology supplement then you’ll have already noticed that the Guardian has […]