Nadine’s Shame

Today, two very different but inextricably linked news stories caught my eye. In the first, I find (via The f-word) that Nadine Dorries has tabled another amendment to the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill that would, if accepted, reduce the upper time limit for abortions to twenty weeks. […]

Mad, Sad and an utter Hypocrite

Today sees the release of the latest set of abortion statistics by the Department of Health and, naturally enough, this has brought Nadine Dorries and other pro-lifers crawling out of the woodwork, once again, to tell us all that the sky is still falling. The headline figure is […]

It’s a democracy, stupid

I promised you all another venture in the realms of MadNaddery and here it is… First of all, to pick up the weekend’s events let me direct you to Bookdrunk who’s nicely covered all the relevant ground vis-a-vis the bullshit that’s appeared in the Daily Mail over the […]

Mayor of Simpleton

If you wondering whether the radio silence over the weekend means I’ll be letting the MP for Mid-Narnia off the hook for trying to pull a Mourinho over the failure of her 20 weeks campaign and blame everything and everyone but her own abysmal antics then fear not, […]

Fallout Boy #2 – The Mad Nad Special

Yes, its time for part two of my own look at the abortion debate as it played out in parliament, and time to get around to the ‘contribution’ of Nadine Dorries. As our starting point we’ll take what Dave Cole has suggested will become the leitmotif for the […]

Fallout Boy #1

Well it’s the morning afternoon after the night before and the Continuity IDS* spin operation was up bright and early today, so I guess we should get straight down to business and deliver a coup de grace** or two. *Mike Smithson’s oh-so-beautifully-apt nickname for Conservative Home. **Translation for […]

The (almost) Final Indignity

A much more sentimental character that your humble scribe might feel some sympathy for Nadine Dorries.  I’m sure she set out on her little crusade to restrict legal access to abortion full of optimism and here we are on the big day of the vote and what has […]

The Daley Dozen Mistakes

I did wonder whether Iain Dale would have the bottle to stick his own head above the parapet on the HF&E bill, and particularly on the abortion-related amendments, as he certainly can’t be unaware of the pounding that his theatre-going mate, Nadine Dorries, has taken over the last […]


As I write this, there’s less than 24 hours to go before the abortion-related amendments to the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill are debated and a touch over 24 hours to go before they’re put to the vote. Is there, i wonder, anything more that I can say […]

Way Beyond Satire

After all the lies, smears and misinformation, I am seriously beginning to wonder whether Nadine Dorries is beginning to implode. Her latest round of bullshit is, perhaps, the most blatantly stupid thing I’ve ever seen. Over at the Cornerstone blog, Dorries has shipped up to have short bitch […]