
As I write this, there’s less than 24 hours to go before the abortion-related amendments to the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill are debated and a touch over 24 hours to go before they’re put to the vote. Is there, i wonder, anything more that I can say […]

The Tainted Rial

A couple of weeks ago, Sunny Hundal sparked off a bit of a comments box ruck at Liberal Conspiracy by accusing Evening Standard journalist, Andrew Gilligan, of hypocrisy over his part in the Standard’s vituperative campaign against Ken Livingstone in the run in to the recent mayoral election. […]

Debunking Dorries

Time for another episode of ‘Debunking Dorries’ in which your genial host – me – takes a look at some the claims made by Nadine Dorries in support of her campaign for greater restrictions on access to legal abortion… …and then takes them apart. And for your delight […]

Way Beyond Satire

After all the lies, smears and misinformation, I am seriously beginning to wonder whether Nadine Dorries is beginning to implode. Her latest round of bullshit is, perhaps, the most blatantly stupid thing I’ve ever seen. Over at the Cornerstone blog, Dorries has shipped up to have short bitch […]

A simple exercise in honesty

Today, I’m going to give you a simple demonstration of the difference between a journalist and blogger. For the purposes of this demonstration, I will be using an article in today’s Daily Telegraph which runs under the headline “Half of web users support bloggers’ code of conduct” – […]

A Hell-Hound responds…

In just about the most predictable move ever, Nadine Dorries has decided that it’s time to play the victim: The Hounds of Hell are chasing me. Woo-hoo – as soon as I find time that is definitely going on here as a testimonial We received another unpleasant parcel […]

Margin of error

One of the key points of the contention in the current abortion debate is that of the extent to which improvements in clinical practice over the last ten years have, or have not, extended the boundaries of neonatal viability. Are survival rates amongst neonates born at the very […]

A case too serious to joke about…

On most occasions, an appearance by John Hemming MP in a court of law is worth watching for its entertainment value alone, but on this occasion I’m inclined to agree with PoliticalHack that: “This case is too serious to joke about.” It is. Hemming ‘contribution’ to a hearing […]

BUGS BME Officer promotes debate with Hizb-ut-Tahrir

The last time I had cause to comment on the activities of Birmingham University’s Guild of Students, I’m afraid it wasn’t for any positive reasons, see:- On Common Sense or the lack thereof Student Grants More-on Student Grants Birmingham’s Student Grants pt 3 May the Farce be with […]

The importance of reading Hansard…

Wednesday 7th May 2008… David Cameron (Leader of the Opposition; Witney, Conservative) He [Gordon Brown] sits in No. 10 Downing street waiting for Shakira to call and waiting for George Clooney to come to tea. I have got a bit of advice for him: why does he not […]