It’s astronomical, not astrological you goobers.

Pluto moon ‘has no atmosphere’
A rare astrological event has proved Pluto’s moon – Charon – has no atmosphere.
This could dismiss claims Charon is a planet twinned with Pluto and provide further insight into their formation.
Two groups of scientists watched the moon eclipse a distant star in July 2005.
Must’ve been written in the stars…
They’ve fixed it now. Piss-poor article though.
“Real” astrologers are not interested in whether Charon exists (eg, how is one to plot the miniscule difference – from a geocentric perspective – between Pluto and Charon). Also there are many astrologer who are not interested in Pluto – because it cannot be seen with the naked eye.
The “beeb” blew it with astrologers and astronomers alike with this one!